Chamber of Deputies cyber attack : 316 files copied,  300 Megabytes total volume

Directorate of National Cyber Security also hacked.

According to the Minister of Digitalization, Bogdan Ivan,  regarding the cyber attack on the IT system of the Chamber of Deputies, 316 files were copied, with a volume of 300 Megabytes, whose content is mostly public, but also copies after parliamentarians’ identity documents. Earlier, Ivan said that the hackers extracted about 250 Gigabytes of data.

Overall, there are 316 files that were copied, of which 190 are scanned documents and 36 are editable. The total volume of this data is 300 Megabytes, to be clear, this conclusion was reached following technical analysis. Their content is mainly public, namely service contracts, institutional addresses, data from the budget and data that are not intended for the public – copies of MPs’ identity documents. At the moment, the competent institutions of the Romanian state are at the Chamber of Deputies and are bidding to solve this security breach,” said Bogdan Ivan.
At the same time, he revealed that another cyber attack that took place overnight on the website of the Directorate of National Cyber Security (DNSC). “During the night between 1:00 AM and 7:00 AM, the DNSC website was attacked at a rate of approximately 18,000 hits per second. At the moment the effects are null for the DNSC website, no files were copied, the website is working and protected,” said the Minister.
The Minister of Digitization also announced a legislative amendment, adopted by the Government on Wednesday. Through the amendment of art 25 of law 58 on cyber security, adopted today by the Government, clear premises were created for how the state institutions must be informed within 48 hours at most about any situation in which the infrastructure of an entity is affected in order to identify , correct and avoid this cyber security risk,” he said.
PM changes his ID card after cyber attack
Prime Minister Marcel Ciolacu will change his identity card, the decision being taken following the cyber attack on the databases, produced recently at the Chamber of Deputies.
Bogdan Ivanchamber of deputiescopiedcyber attackDirectorate of National Cyber Security (DNSC)fileshackersITMegabytesMinister of Digitalizationwebsite
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