Citu, Orban make contradictory statements on vaccination

The chairman of the National Liberal Party (PNL), Ludovic Orban said on Monday that Romanians might pay to get vaccinated against Covid-19 in the future. Orban said that the Romanian state might change the vaccination procedure and that the jab might become free of charge only for vulnerable people.

Asked by the journalists if authorities consider giving financial incentives for the next stage of the vaccination campaign, Orban stated that after achieving the herd immunity, the state might change the mechanism for vaccination.

So, the Romanian state provides free vaccination, it bears all vaccination costs. It is an exceptional situation, but I would say we’ll do it for for a while till we reach a certain level of herd immunity, but eventually we’ll opt for a mechanism similar, for instance, to the flu vaccination, where only vulnerable people will be vaccinated for free“, Orban said while paying a visit to Arges.
Questioned by reporters when this scenario might be enforced, Orban replied: “In a certain future”.

Shortly after his statements, PM Florin Citu said in a press statement that there is no discussion in this regard at the government level.

“I want to clear things up – free vaccines must be available to all Romanians, for the vaccine is free in Romania and it remains free of charge. There is no discussion at this point in the Romanian Government to change things, on the contrary, we have big orders to continue the vaccination campaign in the autumn, and next year, as we don’t now yet how the pandemic will evolve. So, the vaccine remains free of any charge in Romania and it remains free during this period,” PM Cîțu told a video conference with the prefects.

freegovernmentliberalLudovic OrbanPM Florin Citupnlvaccinationvaccinevulnerable
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