CSAT and Gov’t sitting on Friday. PM Dancila – President Iohannis talks expected before

Prime Minister Viorica Dancila wants to hold talks with President Klaus Iohannis on several topics, among them the cabinet reshuffling, During an informal discussion with journalists on Thursday , the Premier said she wants to have ministers appointed with the Transport and Development ministries before January 1, hotnews.ro informs.

Sources say the talks between the head of state and the head of the cabinet could take place on Friday, before the Supreme Defence Council (CSAT) sitting scheduled at 12.00h.

President Klaus Iohannis has summoned the CSAT sitting at 12.00h, at Cotroceni Palace, in order to analyse the requests from the Defence Ministry on appointing officers in the Army’s leading structures, the Presidency informs on Thursday.

On the other hand, the Government will hold a sitting Friday morning, perhaps the last one this year, without having the draft budget for 2019 on the agenda.

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CSATdefence ministrydraft budgetgovernment sittingklaus iohannisviorica dancila
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