CURS poll: The PSD-PNL alliance, first in Bucharest, United Right Alliance, second. The podium for the Capital city hall

The PPUSL candidate for the Capital City Hall, Cristian Popescu Piedone, is rated with 38% of the votes, Nicusor Dan, with 27%, and the PSD-PNL candidate Cătălin Cîrstoiu, with 23%, reveals the data of a CURS survey conducted in April. The PSD-PNL alliance still ranks first in voting intentions in Bucharest, with almost 50%, followed by the United Right Alliance and Piedone’s party. Regarding the vote in the European Parliament elections, the PSD-PNL Alliance is also in first place, followed by the United Right Alliance and the AUR.

More than half of those surveyed (53%) believe that Bucharest is heading in the wrong direction, and 37% believe that it is heading in a good direction.
The PSD-PNL alliance continues to be in first place in voting intentions in local elections, with 48%, followed by the United Right Alliance (USR, Forța Dreptei and PMP) – 24%, PPUSL – 12%, AUR – 11%, SOS Romania (Diana Sosoacă’s party) – 3%.
Piedone, first in voting intentions for the Capital City Hall
According to the CURS survey, 38% of those surveyed would vote for Cristian Popescu Piedone in the Capital City Hall, 27% for the current mayor Nicusor Dan, 23% for the PSD-PNL candidate, doctor Cătălin Cîrstoiu, 5% for candidate AUR Mihai Enache and 2% for Diana Şoşoacă. The same survey shows that 80% of those questioned have an unfavorable opinion of Diana Şoşoacă, 68% have such an opinion of Nicuşor Dan, 57% have an unfavorable opinion of Cristian Popescu Piedone and 54% have an unfavorable opinion of Cătălin Cîrstoiu.
Voting intentions for EP elections
Regarding the European parliamentary elections, the PSD-PNL Alliance has 47% of the options, the United Right Alliance – 24%, AUR – 12%, PPUSL – 10%, SOS Romania – 3%.
The survey was carried out between April 2-9, on a sample of 1067 respondents, voters aged 18 and over, representative of the adult population resident in the Municipality of Bucharest.
A previous Avangarde poll, commissioned by Digi24 and released on March 25 also placed Cristian Popescu Piedone first, with 44%, Nicusor Dan, second with 27%, Catalin Cirstoiu, third with 16% and AUR candidate Mihai Enache, with 10%.
AURBucharestCapital City HallCatalin Cirstoiucristian popescu piedoneCURSnicusor danpollPPUSLPSD-PNLunited Right Alliance
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  • Panagiotis Spyridis

    I am sure that this poll has not taken into account the Legal Migrants registered and living in Bucharest. For who will they vote?