Daniel Constantin will require in court the dissolution of ALDE

ALDE Co-chair Daniel Constantin, former Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of the Environment in the Sorin Grindeanu cabinet until the party withdrew political support upon pressures from the other co-chair Calin Popescu Tariceanu, has announced that he will submit to the court a request to disband ALDE and return to PC and PLR, the two parties that have formed an alliance.

Constantin claims that the application to the court will invoke as ground the failure of the merging protocol.

“In the coming days we will file an action in court, because we analyzed the merger protocol, which is part of the status validated by the Court, and we found out that many of the provisions of the merger protocol have not been met. Because the protocol was not observed, we will ask the court for the return to the initial situation: ALDE does not exist, but only two parties that formed the ALDE, i.e. PC and PLR. I am sorry we have reached this situation, but we wanted to form something else, not a party for Mr. Tariceanu, to use it when he wants, how he wants and decide at will,” Constantin said for Adevarul Live.

“Mr. Tariceanu’s character is the worst I’ve ever seen it in recent years,” Constantin added.

The former minister also said he will not run for ALDE leadership because the extraordinary congress convened by Călin Popescu Tăriceanu is illegal.

ALDE Co-Chair Daniel Constantin has blocked the party’s accounts last week after the party leadership decided to withdraw political support and he was dismissed from the government.

Daniel Constantin notified the bank where the party has accounts, saying that there is a lawsuit pending, and the bank representatives have decided that, until the situation is clarified, the amounts cannot be accessed by anyone in the party.

Daniel Constantin has appealed to the Bucharest Court the ALDE Standing Delegation decision to organise the Congress in April. If the judges rule that the complaint is founded, the ALDE Congress will not take place.

aldecalin popescu-tariceanuDaniel Constantindissolutionextraordinary congresslawsuitmerger protocolparty accountspcPLRstanding delegation
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