Denmark Embassy in Bucharest has posted a funny hinting message on its Facebook account on Friday, two days before the European elections and referendum on justice in Romania.
The message says it’s going to be a hot Sunday.
“Casual Friday. – What is the forecast? –It will be a hot Sunday. – And after? It might be cooler,” reads the embassy’s post.
Denmark is among the 12 embassies that signed the letter of April 3 when they voiced concern for the integrity of the Romanian judiciary system and when they called on the Government to refrain from operating amending in the justice laws that would weaken the rule of law and Romania’s capacity to fight against corruption.
The EP elections are due this Sunday, May 26, in Romania, with the final results to be announced on Monday.
The Supreme Court is also expected to announced the final verdict on ruling PSD chairman Liviu Dragnea’s fictitious hiring file on Monday, May 27.