Ex-PM Grindeanu says he lacked “ass-kissing” to stay in office

Former PM Sorin Grindeanu was asked in an interview to Mediafax news agency what has lacked for him to stay as prime minister, and he answered “the ass-kissing”. “Briefly, the ass-kissing!”, Grindeanu stated.

He also lashed out against PSD chairman Liviu Dragnea, saying that he will have the same attitude on Tudose Cabinet as in his Cabinet’s case.

If PM Tudose doesn’t resist temptations to open up the gates of the financing from the Development ministry, for instance, to certain projects, somewhere in autumn the situation might not be so rose-coloured from the financial perspective. And Mr. Dragnea will say: <Me? It’s the Government’s job. The Gov’t is not good, let’s change it!>” Grindeanu argued.

The former premier also announced that he started to shape, together with other colleagues, an internal project for PSD, that he will put forward inside the party this summer, with the aim of stopping “the disaster” that PSD is going to. Grindeanu said a leadership shift is needed for the Social Democrat Party’s sake.

Grindeanu accused that the party’s statute is not observed anymore, arguing that the National Standing Bureau has not been convened anymore for one year and a half, while the National Executive Committee (CExN) is a sort of “firing squad”.

As for the situation after his removal, Grindeanu warned that Justice Minister Tudorel Toader is a different person than the one whom he has proposed for this portfolio. The former premier added he is waiting with great interest to see the draft amending the criminal codes.



ass-kissingdisasterex-pmLiviu Dragneaprime ministerpsdsorin grindeanutudose
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