FM deletes Facebook post on Romania’s embassy to Jerusalem

Foreign minister Teodor Melescanu has posted on Facebook that no decision had been yet taken on relocating Romania’s embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem and that the Foreign Ministry is still working on the analysis. Soon after, the minister deleted this post.

I have to mention that no decision has been taken yet on relocating Romania’s Embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs is working on an analysis that will contain pros and cons on this topic and will present it to the political decision makers (Parliament, Presidency and Government),” the FM’s Facebook post read.

Subsequently, the minister deleted this post from the account.

While attending a debate in the US on Sunday, Romanian PM Viorica Dancila announced that, that after completing the analysis and in full consensus, Romania will relocate the Embassy in Israel from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem.

However, following reactions, Dancila got back over the issue during a TV show on Sunday night, saying the announcement of the Romanian embassy relocated to Jerusalem was just a personal opinion.

The European Union considers that Jerusalem is the common capital of Israel and of the future Palestine State.

analysisdeletesembassyfacebook postFM Teodor MelescanuForeign ministerjerusalemrelocationRomaniatel aviv
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