Foreign Ministry concludes assessment on the Romanian embassy’s relocation to Jerusalem

Romanian Foreign Ministry has concluded the assessment on the embassy’s relocation from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem and that it had been sent to the Government. FM Teodor Melescanu stated on Friday that the analysis contains both arguments in favor and against the relocation. However, the minister refused to reveal what is the ministry’s recommendation on this issue.

Teodor Meleşcanu said the document will be also sent to the Presidential Administration and to the two chambers of the Parliament, the Chamber of Deputies and the Senate.

The FM added it is no deadlock on this topic, yet admitting „it is a very complicated problem”.

It is no deadlock, it’s a process that has to involve everybody. It is also a very complicated matter. We brought arguments in favor and against the relocation, they are relatively balanced, but it’s not us who take the decision,” FM Melescanu said.

Proposal on Maior’s recall from Washington to be taken within 3 weeks

As for the fate of the Romanian ambassador to the U.S., George Maior, the FM says he had a private encounter with the diplomat after the latter had been heard by the senators in the Foreign Committee. The MPs had recommended that Maior is recalled, on the ground that he would have made statements without having been mandated from Bucharest.

The recalling procedure is initiated by the Presidency. What we have done was to analyse the issues that stirred reactions in Parliament. The process is under way,” FM Melescanu explained, adding a decision will be taken in three weeks at the most.

Asked by the journalists if he is content with Maior’s activity as ambassador, Melescanu replied: „ It’s not about my personal content. The ambassador to a country such as USA is connected to a lot of the Government’s members and I wanted to also know their opinions about this matter”.

AmbassadorassessmentembassyFM Teodor MelescanuForeign Ministrygeorge maiorjerusalempresidencyrecallrelocationRomaniaUS
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