Former SRI Chief Eduard Hellvig Rejoins PNL

Eduard Hellvig, former chief of the Romanian Intelligence Service (SRI) announced that he signed the membership of the National Liberal Party today.

“I feel that this is a complicated moment for the entire Romanian democracy and that now it is necessary for the liberals to be more united than ever,” he said.

“I signed the membership of the National Liberal Party today. I feel that this is a complicated moment for the entire Romanian democracy and that now it is necessary for the liberals to be more united than ever.

I will try to explain the results on the 24th, even if I risk becoming unpopular. The box office success of the poorly directed film by Mr. Georgescu is the direct consequence of the cruel superficiality of clueless politicians, who spent their electoral campaign conveniently sucking their bellies, admiring their own pictures and believing their own nonsense.

“Teams” of people who thought they were stringers when in fact they were just jugglers. I will risk another piece of advice from an old man. Gather at the center, promote convincing people and quality ideas that will make gargling unfrequented. It’s that simple. The party has reset, it’s time to deliver for the future.

“This is not the time for vendettas, this is the time for concrete actions,” Hellvig wrote on X. However, he claims that he is not running “for anything,” emphasizing that he returned to the PNL “at a difficult time for the party, not when lists were being drawn up or when food was being shared”: “I returned to help a party founded on correct ideas, by authentic liberals. To defend my personal, Euro-Atlantic-centered, center-right conservative values, which not coincidentally coincide with those of the PNL.”

eduard hellvigformer chief of the Romanian Intelligence Service (SRI)National Liberal Partypnl
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