Frans Timmermans in Bucharest on March 1, to meet President Iohannis, PM Dancila. CVM assessment mission during March 14-16

Vice-President of the European Commission, Frans Timmermans (photo), will visit the Parliament on Thursday.  He will meet President Klaus Iohannis, Prime Minister Viorica Dancila, Senate Speaker Calin Popescu Tariceanu and Chamber of Deputies Speaker Liviu Dragnea, Secretary of the Chamber of Deputies, Georgian Pop, has announced on Monday, at the end of the Standing Bureau.

“On March 1, Mr. Timmermans, responsible for good legislating, institutional relations, rule of law and fundamental rights, will come to the Parliament. He will meet the Chamber’s Speaker, Mr. Dragnea and the members of the special committee (joint committee of the two chambers for unification and legislative stability in justice, led by Florin Iordache – our note). The programme will be announced later,” Pop said. according to

On the other hand, a Cooperation and Verification Mechanism (CVM) assessment mission will be in Bucharest during March 14-16 and the Parliament should provide the necessary information, Georgian Pop, has also announced on Monday.

Justice Minister, Tudorel Toader, has requested the Chamber of Deputies’ leadership a series of information regarding the laws of justice and on the amendments brought to the Criminal Codes, in view of the coming CVM assessment mission, informs.

“The Chamber’s contribution referring to September 2017-February 2018 period would be highly appreciated,” a letter from the Justice Minister reads.

The justice laws and the amendments to the Criminal Code and Criminal procedure Code “are the main issues for the moment in view of the assessment by the Commission of the sustainability and irreversibility of the progress within CVM,” the letter further reads.

For this reason, the minister requests information from the Parliament in regard to the legislating process for these laws, including the issues referring to the debates, transparency of debates, amendments by political parties, the Superior Council of Magistracy and magistrates’ professional organisations.


calin popescu-tariceanuchamber of deputiesCooperation and Verification Mechanismcouncil of magistracycriminal codecriminal codscriminal procedure codesCVMEuropean Commissionfrans timmermansGeorgian PopJustice ministerklaus iohannislaws of justiceLiviu Dragneaparliamentpresidentprime ministerSenate Speakerstanding bureauTudorel Toaderviorica dancila
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