General elections: PSD – 37 pc, PNL – 29 pc, opinion poll reveals

The latest opinion poll shows for the first time that three parties risk not going over the 5% threshold to enter the next Parliament. The parties are ALDE, PMP and USR, reports.

The Social-Democratic Party (PSD) is ahead, while the National Liberal Party (PNL) falls below the psychological threshold of 30%. This means that the percentage of redistribution will be extremely high and will make the first two parties get a higher share in the legislature.

PSD is first – 37%, followed by PNL – 29%, UDMR and ALDE allegedly have 6%, and 5% would go to PMP. According to the poll, the Save Romania Union (USR) led by Nicusor Dan would have no chance to repeat the performance in Bucharest’s local elections, and PRU, despite the injection of members, would get only 3%.

The turnout would be of 52%, according to the quoted opinion poll.

The CIADO opinion poll was conducted during August 29-September 8 based on 800 interviews conducted on subjects residing in Bucharest and in the country. The margin of error is plus/minus 3%.

The study was conducted by CIADO (International Centre for Drugs and Human Rights) by volunteers in the counties where will be held the conferences ‘Young people and their own values’ during October 6-30.

aldeBucharestCIADO surveygeneral electionshuman rightsLiberalsnicusor danopinion pollpmppnlpsdseva Romania unionsocial-democratsUSR
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