Gov’t intends to set up committee on adopting EUR, headed by the PM and the President of the Romanian Academy

The Government wants to approve, by Emergency Ordinance, the establishment of a committee to deal with Romania’s accession to the European currency. The chairmen of the committee will be the Prime Minister and the head of the Romanian Academy, while the National Bank Governor will be Vice-president, along with a deputy Prime Minister, informs.

“This committee will be led by two co-presidents, the Prime Minister and President of the Romanian Academy, as well as by two Vice-presidents, the Governor of the National Bank of Romania and the Deputy Prime Minister for Economic Affairs,” Premier Viorica Dancila said on Wednesday.

According to the Premier, the Committee will bring together representatives of the Government, local public administration, the academic environment, the presidency of Romania, non-governmental organizations, employers’ organisations and trade union confederations, and associative societies.

“As you know, this topic has been discussed, but we have never had a deadline for this very important moment for our country. I believe that joining the eurozone, the adoption of the EUR is the most important project after Romania’s accession to the European Union. Consequently, the National Committee for the Substantiation of the National Plan for Adopting EUR currency will be set up by an Emergency Ordinance to prepare the timetable for Romania’s entry into the mechanism of joining the EUR currency, as well as the actions necessary for the economic preparation, but also of the Romanian society for this important step,” Premier Dancila also said.

BNRcommitteeemergency ordinanceEuropean UniongovernmentNational Bank Governornational planpresidencyprime ministerromanian academysubstantiation committeeviorica dancila
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