Gov’t launches anti-poverty package with targets until 2020. Ambitious goals

Prime Minister Dacian Ciolos presented on Wednesday a summary of the integrated package to combat poverty. It is a package that includes 47 targets until 2020, from increasing the employment rate of the population aged between 20 and 64 years to the cut in number of the people at risk of poverty and social exclusion, informs.
The main objectives:
– Increasing the employment rate of the population aged between 20 and 64 years to 70%. In 2014 the rate was 65.7%.
– Increasing investments in research and development to 2%.
– Reducing early school leaving rate to 11.3% in 2020. In 2014 the rate was 18.1%.
– increasing to 26.7% the rate of population aged 30-34 graduating of a tertiary education module.
– The number of people at risk of poverty to drop by at least 580,000 people.
– For newborns – no child to be left without identity.
– Regarding those aged up to 3 years, nurseries must be set up in urban areas and in rural areas carers must be paid.
– The national programme ‘Medical caravans to villages’.
– The implementation of the programme ‘every child in kindergarten’; school supplies and clothes for the children who receive food coupons will be provided.
– For students are provided several programmes: ‘School-engine inclusion in deprived areas’, ‘School after school’, ‘The second chance’, grants to disadvantaged schools, ‘Teach for Romania’, schools accessible to children, and prevention of school dropout through sport.
– For young people between 16 and 24 years: the National Integrated programme for young people who have no job/training, reviving the vocational education and socio-professional insertion of the youth from the special protection system.
– For people aged between 24 and 65 years – active employment measures are planned, rural entrepreneurship, urban entrepreneurship and social entrepreneurship.
– Family: grants for housing improvement, stimulus packages for day labourers, preventing child separation from family.
– National model ‘first light’ which provides the installation of photovoltaic panels in remote villages.

employment rateentrepreneurshipnurseriespovertyPrime Minister Dacian Ciolosresearch and developmentsocial exclusion
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