Gov’t OKs incentives for vaccination: meal vouchers and lottery prizes

In an attempt to encourage anti-Covid vaccination among Romanians, the Government in Bucharest approved on Monday the Emergency Ordinance on granting meal vouchers and the possibility of registering for a lottery with cash prizes for those who are vaccinated against SARS-CoV-2.

The same document also provides for the recognition in Romania of green digital certificates to certify vaccination, testing or cure.

Meal vouchers worth 100 lei will be granted after the emergency ordinance comes into force, namely after it is published in the Official Gazette.

All people who are vaccinated at that time can receive these meal vouchers, but not those who have been vaccinated so far. Instead, the latter will be able to participate in the national lotteries that will be organized starting in October. Anyone wishing to participate must be vaccinated and enter the lottery.

Claiming the lottery prizes is made within a maximum of 30 days from the date of the draw, this term representing a term of forfeiture of the right to claim the prize.

The meal tickets will be distributed through vaccination centers, family doctors’ offices and specialized outpatient clinics (rules will be given later by order of the Ministry of Health).

The same ordinance also refers to the recognition of green digital certificates on COVID-19 within Romania. Thus, they are to be used on the Romanian territory for the attestation of vaccination, testing or cure. In addition, it will be established that the green certificate based on a rapid negative antigen test will be valid for 48 hours, not just 24 hours.

Finally, the project stipulates that, during the state of alert, the competitions for filling the vacancies in the Ministry of Health and the units subordinated and coordinated by it will be suspended.

anti-COVIDcashgovernmentgreen digital certificatesincentiveslotterymeal vouchersprizesSARS-Cov.2testingvaccination
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