Gov’t to bring new changes to the Tax Code, aiming NGOs, micro-enterprises, transporters

The Government is set to adopt, in its sitting on Thursday, an emergency ordinance which brings several fiscal amendments. Among them the increase from 2% to 3.5% of the share of the income tax on natural persons that can be allocated to NGOs.

“As promised, today we start approving, by emergency ordinance, a series of decisions to support the NGOs suppliers of social services. The micro-enterprises which sponsor the functioning of non-profit organisations, suppliers of social services accredited to at least one licensed social service, would benefit from the deduction of the amounts from the micro-enterprise incomes up to 20% of the tax for the quarter when the expenditures were made. The share of income tax that can be donated for supporting the non-profit organisations and cult units which are suppliers of social services, accredited at least for one licensed social service, will be increased from 2% to 3.5%,” Premier Viorica Dancila said during the Government sitting, informs.

The PM added that the ordinance will provide that the micro-enterprises would have the option to pay tax on profit or tax on turnover.

“The emergency ordinance sets a new tax rule reading that micro-enterprises would have the option to pay the tax on profit, on two conditions: minimum share capital of RON 45,000 (approx EUR 10,000) or to have at least two employees,” Dancila said.

The emergency ordinance also provides new rules for transporters.

“Also, a new measure is introduced for freight and passenger transporters by reducing the excise duty on diesel fuel, which decreases by RON 183.62 per tonne, and RON 217.31 per tonne respectively, on the level of excise duty on diesel fuel used for the transport of goods or transport of passengers,” PM Viorica Dancila said.



deductionsdiesel fuelemergency ordinanceexcise dutygovernmentmicro-enterprisesNGOpassengersprime ministersocial servicestax on profittax on turnovertransportersviorica dancila
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