Gov’t to seek the Parliament’s vote of confidence next week

PM Viorica Dăncilă has announced the Cabinet will go in Parliament next week for a vote of confidence next week, adding she hasn’t decided yet if the vote will be for the Government restructuring or for a simple reshuffle.

She also said that, in case of a restructuring, only 19 ministries will remain, so ten portfolios less than the current structure.

In his turn, PSD secretary general, Mihai Fifor has stated that the Gov’t will ask for the Parliament’s vote of confidence, but if it’s not going to get it, the Executive will come up with another version “until we convince the Parliament that the country must be yet governed”.

However, Fifor stressed that the vote in Parliament will be favorable and it will prove the Opposition’s incapacity to gather a majority and to come up with a ruling alternative.

The SocDel leader said that PSD is not running away from the responsibility of governance, regardless of President Iohannis’s and the Opposition’s setbacks.

On the other side, a former Socia Democrat, Victor Ponta, now Pro Romania chairman, has announced his party will vote the censure motion, but will take part only in a cente-left government. Ponta slammed PM Dancila again, saying she is “the puppet of Liviu Dragnea and of the barons” and that she is “willing to destroy the social democracy for some trivial interests”.

censure motiongovernmentoppositionparliamentpm vorica dancilapro romaniareshuffleVictor Pontavote of confidence
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