Home politics in brief

  • President of the People Movement Party (PMP), Elena Udrea (photo) said on Monday she wouldn’t probably run for a second term as party leader at the upcoming congress due in February. Questioned about the reason of her decision, she said “I didn’t say I wouldn’t run anymore, I said I probably wouldn’t.” PMP Congress was initially scheduled for March. On the other hand, Udrea said that PMP remains loyal to ex-president Traian Basescu, and the office at the party’s HQs “is still ready for him”.


  • The National Integrity Agency (ANI) called on the Chamber of Deputies to revoke Petre Roman (the first Romanian premier after the 1989 Revolution), following incompatibility final ruling. ANI argues that Bucharest Court of Appeal said no appeal has been made in this case. Petre Roman challenged ANI decision to the Bucharest Tribunal, which rejected his appealing on the ground that the Bucharest Court of Appeal is the court of competent jurisdiction in his case. ANI claims Roman has been incompatible since December 2012 as he was a deputy and a self-employed person at the same time.


  • The Supreme Court confirmed on Monday that the investigation file in the bribery case involving ex-Environment Minister Borbely Laszlo (UDMR) was re-opened. The former official is charged with bribery for interventions in contract granting. Borbely told Mediafax that he did not receive any official note to that end. 






borbely lazslobriberyelena udreaex-presidentfilehome politicsin briefincompatibleinvestigationloyalnational integrity agencypetre romanpmpre-openedrevokerunsupreme courttraian basescu
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