IMAS poll: PSD falls below 30%, PNL 27%, Cioloş’ party above USR

The Social-Democratic Party (PSD), led by Liviu Dragnea, has fallen to 28%, while the PNL, also confronted with internal problems, stands at 27%. The Movement of Romania Together (MRI), the party headed by former Prime Minister Dacian Ciolos has overcome the Save Romania Alliance (USR), while ALDE, in coalition with PSD, has surprisingly exceeded 11%, according to an IMAS survey commissioned by USR and released by ‘Adevărul’ newspaper. The survey was conducted in September, before the Liviu Dragneaon the traditional family.

At the beginning of 2017, the PSD has 49% popularity, but fell to 29.4% in January this year, and in September went down to 28.1%.

The National Liberal Party (PNL) increased in January 2018 against early 2017, up from 20.7% to 26.2%, and in September it stood at 27.1%.

USR has become more popular by 3% in one year, up to 11.4%, but by September it dropped to 9.5%.

Main Parties, according to the IMAS poll:

PSD 28.1%

PNL 27.1%

ALDE 11.4%

USR 9.5%

PMP 2.7%

UDMR 5.6%

MRI 10.1%

PNTCD 0.5%

Other parties 3%

aldeimas pollLiviu DragneaMRIpmppnlPNTCDpsdsocial-democratic partySurveyUDMRUSR
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