INSCOP: Most Romanians Expect Local Situation to Improve After June Elections

More than 60% of Romanians expect the situation in their locality to improve following the June 9 elections, according to a survey conducted by INSCOP commissioned by A similar percentage expects the improvement of the way Romania is represented in the European Parliament.

Following the results of the local elections, 66.2% of Romanians expect that, in the next 4 years, the situation in their locality will improve, 22.6% will remain the same, and 9.6% will worsen. 1.6% do not know or do not answer.

The situation in their locality is expected to improve, especially PSD and PNL voters, people with primary education, the inactive, blue-collar workers, rural residents and those with a lower income. The situation in their locality is expected to remain the same, especially USR voters, people with higher education, residents of Bucharest and those with a higher income.

Expectations regarding the way in which Romania is represented in the European Parliament following the European Parliament elections Following the results of the European Parliament elections, 60.5% of respondents expect that, in the next 4 years, the way in which Romania is represented in the European Parliament will improve, 23.1 % to remain the same, and 12.4% to get worse. 4.1% do not know or do not answer.

Particularly PSD, PNL and AUR voters, people with primary education, the inactive, blue-collar workers, rural residents and those with a lower income expect the way in which Romania is represented in the European Parliament to improve.

The opinion poll was carried out by INSCOP Research at the behest of Press Agency. The data was collected between June 19 and 27, 2024.

inscopjunelocal electionslocal situationRomanians
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