Kosovo rejects offer from President Iohannis to mediate relation with Serbia, claims Romania should recognise independence first

Kosovo authorities have refused President Klaus Iohannis’ offer to get involved in finding a right solution for the status of Kosovo, whose independence Romania hasn’t recognized, reason for which it is not credible, adding that the European Union is already mediator.

“The European Union is and remains the mediator for the normalization of the dialogue between Kosovo and Serbia. We are grateful for this and do not ask for a substitute to the decisive role of the EU as mediator in this process,” said Bekim Collaku, head of cabinet in Pristina, quoted by ‘Gazeta Express’.

“In order to gain credibility, Romania should recognize Kosovo’s independence. Kosovo welcomes the help of every democratic state for reaching a final agreement to normalize the relations between Kosovo and Serbia. Romania is no exception, if its intentions are credible,” the chief of cabinet of Kosovo President Hashim Thaci said.

The issue of Kosovo’s independence was the central theme on the agenda of talks on Thursday between President Klaus Iohannis and Serbian counterpart, Aleksandar Vučić. The Romanian head of state reiterated Romania’s wish to become an active part of a solution.

“Of course, we talked about Kosovo, which is a complicated topic. We think that a solution in this respect will mean a huge step in the European direction for the entire Western Balkans region. We are willing to get involved to find good solutions for the entire region,” Iohannis said.

In his turn, the Serbian President thanked Iohannis and Romanians for the support Romania is providing regarding Serbia’s European path, but also for their wish so that a compromise should be reached on Kosovo.


Aleksandar VucicEuropean Unionhashim thaciindependenceklaus iohannisKosovomediatorofficial visitpristinaSerbiaWestern Balkans
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