NATO multinational brigade to be set up in March-April next year

The NATO multinational brigade to be hosted in Romania will be set up in March-April next year, with at least six allies being interested in joining it, President Klaus Iohannis announced on Tuesday after the CSAT meeting.

The actions towards other allies mean negotiating to convince them to send military for the multinational brigade. I can say that we already have favorable responses from at least six allies. Two of them have already said how they would participate, Poland said it would send a company and Bulgaria said it would send around 400 military. There are others also interested and we have very good negotiations on that. To sum up, we’ll have enough military from more allies for this brigade,” Iohannis stated.

He also announced a working group has been agreed on this topic.

The decisions adopted in Poland must be fully, efficiently and quickly enforced. In this respect, we agreed to set up a working group that will start all preparations as of tomorrow, under the leaderships of the Presidency’s Councilor for National Security. Legislative clarifications are needed, as well as a timetable. We are ambitious enough and our military proposed March or April as the right time for setting up this multinational brigade (….)” the President also said, while reiterating that the NATO summit in Warsaw was a success for Romania.

2017AprilBulgariaCSATmarchmilitarymultinational brigadenatoPolandpresident klaus iohannis
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