The electoral campaign for the local and European parliamentary elections on June 9 begins on Friday and ends on June 8, at 7:00 a.m. The audiovisual campaign will end on June 7, at 7:00 a.m.
The Central Electoral Bureau recommends electoral competitors to have a balanced and honest speech and to avoid distortion or manipulation of information. It is forbidden to organize electoral campaign actions in military units, as well as in schools and universities during the course period.
“According to the regulations in force, in the electoral campaign it is forbidden to use messages or slogans of a discriminatory nature or messages inciting hatred and intolerance, as well as any forms, means, acts or actions of defamation and religious or ethnic enmity”, said Central Electoral Office.
BEC also strongly recommended the electoral competitors to respect the general rules regarding the conduct of the electoral campaign, to have a balanced, honest and constructive speech and to avoid the distortion or manipulation of information in order to prevent the spread of fake news, disinformation actions and any slippages of likely to affect the smooth running of the electoral process, according to the institution’s press release.
Electoral speech and political messages transmitted by electoral competitors must be developed in such a way as to provide guarantees regarding the respect and promotion of the principles of democracy and to contribute to the development of a climate of integrity in the conduct of electoral campaigns, both out of respect for the other competitors and for voters, according to BEC.
According to the law, in the electoral campaign, candidates, political parties, political alliances, electoral alliances or organizations of citizens belonging to national minorities participating in elections, as well as citizens have the right to express their opinions freely and without any discrimination, through rallies, gatherings, the use of television, radio, the press and other mass media.
During the electoral campaign, the candidates are provided, in a non-discriminatory manner, with appropriate spaces to meet with the voters. The spaces can be located at the mayor’s office, in schools, universities, houses of culture, cultural hostels and cinemas and are provided on the basis of an agreement regarding the maintenance expenses.
The means used in the electoral campaign cannot contravene the law. It is forbidden to organize electoral campaign actions in military units, as well as in the premises of schools and universities during the course period, according to the Local Elections Law.
The law on European parliamentary elections provides that “in military units, in educational units, during the educational program, in the headquarters of diplomatic representations, as well as in penitentiaries, electoral campaign actions of any type are prohibited”, as well as that, during the electoral campaign the mayors provide the candidates, in a non-discriminatory way, with appropriate spaces to meet with the voters.
Fines and penalties
It is a misdemeanor to destroy, damage, defile, cover by writing or in any way the electoral lists, displayed program platforms or any other posters or printed electoral propaganda announcements, the fine can reach up to 4,500 lei, according to the Local Elections Law. In accordance with the European Parliamentary Elections Law, destroying, damaging, defacing, writing or covering in any way electoral lists, destroying, damaging, defacing, writing or covering in any way the displayed program platforms or any other posters or announcements of printed electoral propaganda is sanctioned with a fine between 1,000 and 2,500 lei.
The audiovisual electoral campaign will end on June 7, at 7:00 a.m.
56 candidates in the race for mayors of Bucharest
A number of 56 candidates are vying for the mayoral seats in the Capital – the position of general mayor and the six positions of district mayors.
The candidacies submitted to the Circumscription Offices remained final on Wednesday evening.
For the position of general mayor of Bucharest, the candidates racing are:
- Nicusor Dan – independent
- Gabriela Firea – PSD
- Sebastian Burduja – PNL
- Cristian Victor Popescu Piedone – PUSL
- Diana Şoşoacă Iovanovici – S.O.S. Romania
- Dorin Iacob – Right Alternative Party
- Mihai Adrian Enache – AUR
- Alexandru Pânişoara – Romanian Ecologist Party
- Filip Constantin Titian – independent
- Clotilde Armand – United Right Alliance (USR – PMP – Forţa Dreptei)
- George Cristian Tuţă – PSD – PNL Alliance
- Ramona Ioana Bruynseels – The Alliance for Romanians Union
- Florin Ghidănac – Romanian Sovereignty Block
- Dan Nicolae Podaru – Romanian Ecologist Party
- Iulian Hatmanu – Romania’s European Renew Party (REPER)
- Daniel Tudorache – independent
- Liviu Negoiţă – Humanist Social Liberal Party (PUSL)
- Mircea Florin Andrei – Right Alternative Party
- Radu Nicolae-Mihaiu – United Right Alliance (USR – PMP – Forţa Dreptei)
- Rareş Hopincă – PSD – PNL Alliance
- Andrei Tinu – AUR
- Andrei Gabriel Golgoţiu – REPER
- Iolanda Luminiţa Bughiu – S.O.S. Romania Party