Palestine ambassador meets ruling party leader Dragnea: “Romanian embassy in Israel will not relocate to Jerusalem”. Dragnea contradicts him

PSD chairman Liviu Dragnea has met Palestine’s ambassador in Bucharest, Fouad Kokaly in his office at the Chamber of Deputies on Monday morning, sources told
According to these sources, Dragnea would have assured the Palestine ambassador that Romania would not relocate its embassy in Israel from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem and that he doesn’t want to ruin the historical relations between Romania and the Arab world.
The above-mentioned sources say that Liviu Dragnea is interested in the Arab League’s support for Romania to obtain a non-permanent seat in the United Nations Security Council.
Palestine’s Embassy issued a press release after the ambassador’s meeting with Dragnea, stating that the Romanian embassy will not be moved to Jerusalem.
The Embassy of the Palestinian State hails Mr. Liviu Dragnea’s decision according to which the Romanian Government will not relocate the embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem“, reads the press release.
Other diplomatic sources revealed that Dragnea had refused to meet the Palestinian ambassador last year when the PSD government had announced the decision to move Romania’s embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem.
However, several hours after the Palestine ambassador’s announcement, SocDem leader Liviu Dragnea reacted, saying that his statements “don’t reflect at all” the discussions they held, asking the embassy to go back over them.
I also read the statements of the Palestinian ambassador following the meeting we had yesterday. They don’t reflect the discussions we had yesterday under any circumstances. I clearly said what I have publicly stated in many other occasions: the Foreign Ministry has concluded the analysis on a potential relocation of Romania’s Embassy in Israel. After that, the document was forwarded for an opinion to the foreign affairs and national security institutions. Considering the latest developments on the Peace Process in the Middle east, the analysis is under a continuous updating process”, Dragnea told
The PSD leader argued an agreement at institutional level is desirable and any decision in this regard will have to be based both on constitutional provisions and on observing the international law.
“I asked the Palestine Embassy today to immediately go back over the information they released publicly for they have nothing to do with what has been discussed,” Liviu Dragnea said.
The issue of Romanian embassy’s relocation to Jerusalem stirred controversies in 2018 and prompted an open war between the Presidency on one hand and the Government and the PSD leader on the other hand.
embassyFouad KokalyIsraeljerusalemLiviu Dragneameetingpalestine ambassadorrelocationRomaniatel aviv
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