The head of the parliamentary committee for the control of the Romanian Intelligence Service (SRI), PSD Senator Adrian Tutuianu has said on Monday he would request SRI answers regarding his suspicions that the multinationals supported the anti-government protests, claiming the national security law has been violated in this case, reports.
“I wonder, a newspaper in Prahova wrote that the employees of a multinational were forced to go in the streets to the protests. This is illegal. I don’t accuse anyone, however, state institutions should give an answer. (…) SRI will give an answer, not me,” Tutuianu said.
The PSD Senator explained the law bans all foreign companies to use money in other purposes than for their own business.
“According to law 31/1990, it is an offence to use capital to supports certain activities. This is to be analysed,” he added.
Tutuianu said the second issue is that of national security. “Article 11 in the national security law reads that when aiming to replace the state power by violent means and so on, the issue is one of national security,” he said.
The offered the example of company cars used to reach the protests.
On Saturday, Deputy Liviu Plesoianu said, referring to the protests to which participated hundreds of thousands of people in Bucharest and other cities: “Romania should not be a colony where the multinationals are running revolutions in Bucharest,” the same source informs.