Romanian Prime Minister, Marcel Ciolacu, announced on Thursday, prior to the government meeting, that the Emergency Ordinance on cash collections and payments would be revised, adding that all current cash limits would be maintained for both individuals and legal entities. He explained that there would be two exceptions: the cash limit for businesses would be a maximum of 50,000 lei, and the advance for settlement would be 1,000 lei per day. Additionally, the Prime Minister said he wanted the Tax Authority (ANAF) to be transformed into an efficient digital unit capable of uncovering any illegitimate funds.
“As promised, today we are revising the Emergency Ordinance on cash collections and payments. All current cash limits will be maintained for both individuals and legal entities. There will be two exceptions: the cash limit for businesses will be a maximum of 50,000 lei, and the advance for settlement will be 1,000 lei per day,” Marcel Ciolacu added.
The Prime Minister explained that although the principles outlined were correct, there were real-life situations that were challenging to address. “I have spoken with representatives of the banking system, small market traders, large entrepreneurs, as well as families with micro-enterprises. The unanimous conclusion is that our economy is not yet ready to function with less cash. Especially in rural areas, where ATMs are scarce, and people rely more on cash,” he further stated.
ANAF to Be Digitized
Moreover, he stated that he wanted to eliminate all the loopholes through which tax evasion occurs in Romania by using the most modern technology to identify those who do not pay their taxes and defraud the budget with substantial sums. “At the same time, I want to eliminate all the loopholes through which tax evasion occurs in Romania. Without money, we cannot have a strong healthcare system, a high-performing education system, and highways like in the West. Therefore, we will use the most modern technology to identify those who do not pay their taxes and defraud the budget with substantial sums. I met with the management of a Romanian company that has become a global leader in software automation, and the sole purpose of this meeting was the transformation of the Tax Authority into an efficient digital unit capable of uncovering any illegitimate funds,” the Prime Minister concluded.
“Especially in rural areas, where ATMs are scarce, and people rely more on cash” Even better with no ATMs there is a necessity for electronic payments. Subsidise the POS machines and you will see how fast they are installed. This manoeuvrer in my book is called Voter Fishing 2024! Internet Banking it is called. Do they have access to the Internet? Or-course, all of them via Telecommunication.