PNL has challenged to the Constitutional Court, on Monday, the delegation of attributions from speaker to deputy speaker, according to the Chamber of Deputies regulation.
The move comes as Deputy Speaker Florin Iordache referred to the Court an alleged conflict between the Parliament and the High Court of Cassation and Justice (ICCJ – Supreme Court).
“Our viewpoint is clear – the Chamber of Deputies Speaker cannot delegate attributions of his office to the Deputy Speakers. For this reason we have requested the Constitutional Court to postpone the analysis on the judicial conflict of constitutional nature noticed by Florin Iordache, on behalf of Liviu Dragnea, until out referral is judged.” PNL leader Ludovic Orban said on Monday.
He stressed for the CCR judges that the Liberal request is very important.
“We cannot accept that an important organism such as CCR to turn into an institution offering amnesty to Liviu Dragnea. It’s obvious for any person that the conflicts initiated by Florin Iordache on behalf of Liviu Dragne have the only aim to clear Dragnea of sentences. The Constitutional Court cannot turn into an advocacy firm for Liviu Dragnea,” Orban added.
He stressed that for this very reason PNL has requested the CCR to postpone the analysis on the judicial conflict of constitutional nature, until the current referral is solved.
At the end of March, Florin Iordache referred to the CCR an alleged judicial conflict of constitutional nature between Parliament and the ICCJ regarding law 78/2000 for preventing, uncovering and sanctioning of corruption offenses, on the issue of specialized panels of judges.