President Iohannis attended the Orthodox service at cathedral in Sibiu, pledges to regular religious service attendance

President Klaus Iohannis attended the Orthodox Church service at the Metropolitan Cathedral in Sibiu on Sunday. It was for the first time he attended such a service since he was elected as Romania’s president. As a matter of fact, Iohannis has previously announced on Sunday morning in a Facebook post that he would periodically attend the religious services of the cults that are officially recognized in our country.

Iohannis, who is a Lutheran, carried his own Bible during the service and prayed in a loud voice, next to all those 2,500 parishioners present inside the cathedral.

“It was a moment of great joy for me. I had the opportunity of attending the High Mass together with his Holiness in his first Sunday of the year and I think it is a good start. I wish you all “Happy New Year”, a blessed year, full of health and joy”, Klaus Iohannis said while getting out of the church. People who attended the Sunday service acclaimed the President at the exit, wishing him “Happy New Year” and shaking his hand.

At the same time, the head of state also announced on Sunday that he accepted Patriarch Daniel’s invitation to meet. The invitation was transmitted to Klaus Iohannis by His Holiness Laurentiu Streza, the Metropolitan Bishop of Ardeal. Asked by the journalist of he will honor the invitation, President Iohannis said: “ Yes, of course I will, by all means.”

attendedBiblechurchcultsHigh Massklaus iohannisLutheranmeeting Patriarch Danielmetropolitan cathedralpresidentserviceSibiu
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