President Iohannis: Hostility from the East threatens the European security

Attending a seminar on the security context in SE Europe in Bucharest, “Reshaping the Security Environment in Southeastern Europe- A view from Bucharest“, President Klaus Iohannis talked about the threats in the Black Sea region, stating that “an hostile conduct coming from the East” is a threat against the regional security. In this regard, the Romanian head of state said Romania must strengthen the strategic partnership with the US, with NATO and the European Union.

A major threat is represented by the hostile conduct coming from the East, I don’t want to be too concrete… Amid these evolutions, Romania’s major goal is to strengthen its security and capitalize the strategic partnerships developed in time, particularly the strategic partnership with the USA (…) In Romania’s view, there are three essential lines of action that must be considered in the upcoming period, first, the solidarity inside NATO must be strengthened, including by enhancing the trans-Atlantic relation, which is the guarantee of the optimal functioning of the Alliance and of the collective defence defined by the 5th article of the Washington Treaty (…) That’s why Romania encourages the actions conducted by the American military on our territory, within allied or bilateral framework, and the increase of the US soldiers and military equipment in Romania”, Iohannis stated.

According to the Romanian head of state, Romania is also endorsing the development of the NATO-EU partnership, while adding that the third major line of action is ensuring unity, coherence and enhancing the allied actions on the Eastern flank.

I think that we all agree that the Black Sea region has a particular force in the security equation worldwide. The Black Sea region is at the crossroads of the Eastern and Southern neighbourhoods of NATO and EU-with the specific threats and challenges: frozen or active regional conflicts, new cyber, hybrid or terrorist threats, illegal immigration. You name it, you have it. All these must be tackled in a coherent, coordinated way, which is already a challenge”, the President said.


black seaeastEuropenatopresident klaus ioahnnissecurityseminarthreat
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