President Iohannis rejects new ministers proposed by PM Dancila

President Klaus Iohannis has announced in a press statement at Cotroceni Palace on Wednesday that he is rejecting as a whole the reshuffle proposed by PM Viorica Dăncilă, explaining that the ministers advanced by the premier are “unacceptable”.

The prime minister had proposed Dana Gîrbovan as Justice minister, Serban Valeca for Education and Iulian Iancu as deputy PM on economic affairs.

“The chaos in the Government confirms the contempt that PSD and ALDE continue to show to the Romanians. It should be no surprise for anyone. On the contrary, it’s the result of two years and a half of chaotic, incompetent and corrupt governance”, the head of state said.

“I reject the reshuffle proposed by the premier as a whole. I reject the proposal for the Justice Ministry and the proposal for the deputy PM on economic affairs. I won’t accept any proposal of reshuffle on behalf of this government,” Iohannis argued, adding he will not “vouch” the endorsement of the current Executive.

PSD and ALDE are equally to blame for the failure of this ruling. ALDE’s attempts to wash its hands now are simply ridiculous. After sitting at the same table with PSD and taking measures against Romanians you cannot fool anyone now that you are not guilty”, the Romanian president pointed out.

Iohannis is urging PM Dăncilă to ask for the Parliament’s vote of confidence for the proposed ministers, considering that ALDE has withdrawn its ministers from the Cabinet and joined the Opposition.

aldeDana Gîrbovandeputy PMeconomic affairseducationiulian iancujusticeministerspm viorica dancilapresident klaus iohannispsdrejectsreshufflerulingserban valecaunacceptable
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