President Iohannis warns budget cuts for national security institutions is an irresponsible approach

President Klaus Iohannis brings fresh criticism to PSD and leader Liviu Dragnea, saying that the Social-Democratic Party is using populist approaches which risk bringing vulnerability to Romania and that the PSD leader places in opposite directions the national security and the citizens’ health.

“In regard to the draft state budget for 2019, President Klaus Iohannis warns that our county needs a credible state budget, for the benefit of Romanians and not for one political party. So, the Government and the parliament bear the essential responsibility to identify the sustainable financial solutions for each field. However, PSD uses populist approaches which risk bringing vulnerability to Romania in the current geopolitical context marled by uncertainty and by identifying risks and threats to the NATO members,” a release posted on the Presidency website reads.

“By a cynical gesture, the PSD Chairman places in opposite directions the citizens’ health and national security. Only a petty and instinctive politician could bring up the idea that Romanians’ health cannot be ensured due to the too large budgets for security services, which have the legal mission to ensure the national security, to protect people’s lives and the country’s interests,” Klaus Iohannis added, according to the release.

The release also reads that the proposal to cut the budget of these institutions in the national security field is an irresponsible approach, an attempt to the citizens’ security, by decreasing the budget, in the desperate attempt of some people to gain political capital.

“The President of Romania appeals to Parliament to restore the initial budget allocations, proposed by the Government on December 10, 2018 and approved by the Supreme Defence Council on December 19, 2018,” the release reads.

The head of state added that the delay in approving the budget by the PSD-ALDE coalition is unjustified and proves the lack of seriousness and professionalism of the current coalition and its lack of concern for the economy and administration. Mention is made to the unjustified increase of funding for parliamentary parties, with the main beneficiary being PSD, given that no motorways are being built and many schools lack toilets and running water. The President suggests the increase of the budget allocation for health from the money allotted to parties.

The Presidency release argues the budget is built on unrealistic economic estimates and political allocations, which PSD aims to pass with simulacrum debates in Parliament. It also mentions the talks with mayors.

President Iohannis calls on all responsible politicians in Parliament to regard the state budget for 2019 not as a tool of party promises, but as essential means for Romania’s economic stability, for Romanians’ welfare and security.

CSATdraft state budgethealthLiviu Dragneanational securitynato memberspresident jlaus iohannispsd chairmansupreme defence council
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