President Klaus Iohannis has promulgated today the draft law that doubles the value of the child allowances. The bill had been initiated by PSD and voted by the Parliament at the end of last year.
However, The Liberal Government and its PM, Ludovi Orban had repeatedly said that PSD is irresponsibledoubl by voting for a new allowance increase and that there no actual resources to support this rise.
The law comes into force on the first day of the next month when the law is published in the Official Gazette.
Last week, PM Orban said that the Government intended to postpone the enforcement of the law on child allowances.
By the new law, the values of the child allowances are as such:
RON 600 for children up to 2 years old
RON 300 for children aged from 2 to 18.
RON 600 for children aged 3 to 18 in case of handicap.
The speaker of the Chamber of Deputies, Marcel Ciolacu, has said in Parliament today that they would like to prompt an extraordinary session of the Parliament this month (the parliament is usually in winter recess until February 1) to adopt the law on removing special pensions, in response to information that child allowances cannot be doubled due to the budgetary impact of the special pensions.
Labour minister Violeta Alexandru has said today that doubling child allowances cannot be done “overnight”, as there are no funds in the budget, so the law will be most probably enforced after the budget rectification in July.
The decision to postpone the enforcement of the child allowances law is to be taken in the upcoming Government sitting, according to sources.