President slams PSD for salaries decline, intention to amend the security laws

Questioned to comment the ruling power’s intention to set up a special committee in Parliament to amend the national security laws, President Klaus Iohannis said on Wednesday that it’s important that this undertaking should be carried out in partnership with the Presidency, CSAT, the Government, the Army and the intelligence services.

In his view, there are two scenarios in this regard: a “bad” one, when PSD is eager to occupy all state institutions, “to seize and force law amendments in the national security field, in the view of a political control”, and the second scenario, that he is favoring, would be that the PSD-ALDE ruling coalition is cooperating with all institution in this sector.

It’s obvious that the national security is such an important topic that it cannot be seized only by one institution. That’s why even in the Constitution, major institutions have a say in providing national security, starting from the President, CSAT, Parliament, Government to the special bodies- Army, intelligence services, and so on,” Iohannis said.

Two scenarios are possible- one would be that PSD is eager to occupy all state institutions, to seize them and force some changes of the regulatory framework in the national security field, to exert a political control without collaborating with the Presidency, CSAT, the Army, the intelligence services. This is a bad scenario”, he pointed out, adding that the other scenario is the collaboration to provide a modern European legislation and voicing hope the collaboration would eventually happen in this respect.

Asked if the Presidential Administration had been contacted about the establishment of this special committee, Iohannis denied. “I presume that after the special committee is set up today, they will start writing down what are the major partners in these discussions”.

The plenary sitting of the Parliament is expected today to cast the final vote on this special committee.

Iohannis: PSD has increased salaries until it had cut them

At the same time, the head of state has slammed the amendments operated by the ruling coalition on the Tax Code, on the salary law and the pension Pillar I and II, arguing these measures have messed up Romania’s economic stability.

Asked about the intention to nationalize the Pension Pillar II, Iohannis answered that PSD “has made a hobby out of changing everything in Romania”, saying that “they can also rule this way, but not with good results”.

PSD has made a hobby out of changing everything in Romania. It has increased salaries until it had cut them, now it wants to nationalize the Pension Pillar II. Justice laws are being amended (…) I don’t think we go towards the stability of the Romanian state, these things lead to instability,” the President said.

Running for the Romania’s Presidency or for the European Council president seat?

Asked about the information rumored lately that he might take over the position of the European Council President, Klaus Iohannis stated that he is comfortable with the position of Romania’s President.

“I am Romania’s President now and I feel comfortable in this position,” Iohannis said laughing, without yet clearly mentioning if he is running for a second term as Romanian President or or if he is tempted to accept such a top European position.

The mass media in Romania has rumopred lately that Klaus Iohannis would be favourite in taking over the Presidency of the European Council after Donald Tusk’s term is ending, in December 2019. On the other hand, the National Liberal Party, which has endorsed Iohannis for his first candidature for Cotroceni, has announced it would support him for the next presidential elections due next year.


instabilitynational security lawsnationalizepension Pillar IIpresident klaus iohannispsdruling coalitionsalaries
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