Presidential Administration withdraws invitation to Bogdan Diaconu for Europe Day reception

The Presidential Administration has withdrawn the invitation addressed to PRU leader, MP Bogdan Diaconu, for the Europe Day reception, following his recent actions.

“In the light of his recent statements and actions, the Presidential Administration has decided to withdraw the invitation,” sources with the Presidential Administration say.

In response, the MP wrote on his Facebook page a message criticizing the decision of the Presidential Administration.

“Iohannis believes he is on his Cotroceni estate as a German baron and he has withdrawn the invitation on Europe Day! For me, Europe Day is a day of mourning, I only celebrate Romania’s Independence Day, obtained with blood 139 years ago, which we’ve lost due to vassals like Iohannis! Let us regain independence,” Bogdan Diaconu wrote.

Diaconu is candidate for the Bucharest City Hall, he is allegedly promoting extremist, xenophobic and anti-migration discourses.

The Presidency has not invited those who have problems with the law. On this list of those ignored are included former PM Victor Ponta and the current PSD leader Liviu Dragnea. The reason is that they are or were prosecuted, are indicted or have been sentenced with probation.

Some exceptions were made however, one of them being former head of state Traian Basescu – he has been invited although a criminal file has been opened on his name.

Dragnea: I received no invitation from Cotroceni, I am very sad

PSD President Liviu Dragnea has confirmed on Monday he hasn’t received an invitation for the reception at Cotroceni Palace on Europe Day. He commented ironically: “I received no invitation. I am very sad for this reason. This is the way the president understands to manage his office. It is his problem and his administration’s problem, I am very little interested.”

Reserve General collapses during reception at Cotroceni Palace due to heart attack

Dramatic moments in the Cotroceni Palace courtyard before the official reception, as a reserve General aged 88 fell to the ground, and Secretary of State Raed Arafat was among the first people who gave him the first aid.

According to preliminary information, the 88-year-old suffered a myocardial accident. He was taken by ambulance to the nearest hospital, the incident being confirmed by President Klaus Iohannis.

Bogdan Diaconubucharest university phd title prime minister victor pontaCity HallCotroceni Palace. receptioneurope dayheart attackklaus iohannisLiviu DragneaRaed Arafattraian basescu
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