The standing bureaus of the two chambers of Parliament have Okayed on Tuesday the establishement of two special committees, one to amend the national security laws and another one to draft the administrative Code. The plenary sitting of the Parliament is to give the final vote on Wednesday.
The opposition National Liberal Party has accused that PSD is setting up special committees at its pleasure.
“I proposed to dissolve all committees and work only with special committees or to set up committees to study chlorophyll. It’s absolutely aberrant because we already have committees with specialized people representing all political parties, while PSD does nothing but setting up committees at its pleasure, with special missions received from Mr. Dragnea (e.n. Liviu Dragneam the PSD chairman),” said the Liberal deputy Ben-Oni Ardelean.
Liviu Dragnea announced at the end of March that a special committee would be set up to amend 15 national security laws.
In his turn, the Senate Speaker Calin Popescu Tariceanu used to state that setting up a committee to amend the legislation on the national security is useful, as some laws in this field are dating back in the 90s and they must be “harmonized with the new political realities and the new threats that Romania has to face”.
As for the Administrative Code, the PSD chair Dragnea has announced on Monday that party leaders will meet ministers and representatives of the local administration in the upcoming period to conclude the Administrative Code and the Public finances code. Dragnea added that there will be discussions with the other political parties.