PSD Bucharest branch, on the list of social securities’ debtors

The organization of the Social Democrat Party in Bucharest is on the National Agency for Fiscal Administration (ANAF)’s list revealing the institutions and companies with debts at the state social securities and national health insurances.

The PSD Bucharest branch appears in the tax revenue body’s statistics as having a debt of RON 78,879 for social securities, with RON 36,906 representing accessory tax duties.

The Social Democrat organization in the Capital has a RON 27,441 debt at health insurances, with RON 12,664 representing accessory fiscal duties.

The ruling party branch also has a small debt, RON 2,439 at the state unemployment insurances.

All these represent debts of the employer who hasn’t paid the social contributions for its employees.

The Finance minister argued that the need of transferring the social contributions from employer to the employee by the fact that there a lot of employers who don’t pay for their employees.

Paradoxically, PSD spokesperson Adrian Dobre also used to state that the tax ‘revolution’ adopted by the Government should help employees who are cheated by their employers,

ANAFbucharest branchdebtsfiscal dutiesHealth insurancesorganizationpsdSocial Democrat Partysocial securities
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