PSD extraordinary congress validates Liviu Dragnea as chairman. Valeriu Zgonea elected executive president, ongoing tough fight for the vice-president positions

The Extraordinary Congress of the ruling Social Democrat Party is taking place in Sunday, in the presence of 4,500 delegates, Romanian and foreign guests. The ambassadors of China, Czech Republic and Greece are attending the PSD congress, President of the Party of European Socialists (PES) Sergei Stanishev, members of the European Commission and representatives of the foreign chancelleries to Romania, from USA, Russia, Germany and UK. PSD’s ruling partner, by deputy premier Gabriel Oprea, head of the National Union for Romania’s Progress (UNPR) was also present.

The Congress unanimously validated the elections of Liviu Dragnea as the party’s chairman, while the Social Democrat members had to elect the executive president and the party’s vice-presidents.

The Chamber of Deputies Speaker Valeriu Zgonea was elected the executive president of the party, with about 2,600 votes, thus beating his opponent, Constantin Nita (vice-president, former Economy minister), who got only 1,100 votes, according to Social Democrat sources. Zgonea has been publicly endorsed by Liviu Dragnea and by other 40 Social Democrat branches.

21 candidates were racing for 14 vice-president positions, among whom there 15 men and 6 women and the fight was really tight until the last moment.

Some of the old leaders have lost VP positions, such as the leader of the Young Social Democrats, Mihai Sturzu, Constantin Nita (so, loser fo the second time) and Catalin Radulescu. The four positions assigned to the Social Democrat women were also harshly disputes. Two of them hasve already been won by Gabriela Firea (PSD spokeswoman) and Lia Olguta Vasilescu (Craiova mayor).

Addressing the congress, PSD chairman Liviu Dragnea told PM Victor Ponta that they have come to all party’s decisions together since 2010, with some of the goals being fulfilled, such as bringing PSD to power, while the other targets couldn’t be achieved. Dragnea said he wants to go through.

“We brought PSD to power. Yes, we know to file a censure motion that shall topple governments, we succeeded in doing Romania good, but, you know well there are some goals and desires we couldn’t carry forward,” Dragnea told Ponta.

The Social Democrat chairman thanked Gabriel Oprea for his support within the ruling coalition and the Government, and also thanked ALDE co-presidents, Calin Popescu Tariceanu and Daniel Constantin “for the civilized, colleague-like manner” they supported the ruling.

Ponta: I have my prime minister mandate put down

PM Ponta told the Congress’ delegates that he put down his prime minister mandate at Dragnea’s call, while pointing out that only PSD can make a censure motion pass. He asked to be informed “when it’s the right time (e.n. for the no confidence vote)”, adding he has the strength to rise again from the ashes, like the Phoenix.

“Liviu knows very well since the first day that he has my prime minister mandate at call, I am convinced he’ll use it for the general weal. We are standing for now, we are ruling well and we can do a lot of good things in 2016, too. This is what I intend to do and I hope I’ll have your support on that,” Ponta told the congress attendees.

Although he had previously announced he would not run for any other position in the party, the premier hinted he did not rule out such a possibility in the future.

“In 2010, I said that PSD is like the Phoenix. When all think the party is ash, we are rising every time. I am part of PSD. I also have the strength to rise from the ashes, but only next to you,” Ponta said.

Asked if he is going to negotiate the Government change-over with President Klaus Iohannis, Liviu Dragnea said he would definitely honor any debates, on any topic and would not refuse any dialogue, but added he expects an invitation coming from Cotroceni Palace.

Questioned if he would honor including invitation on replacing PM Victor Ponta from the helm of the Government, Dragnea mentioned that PSD “doesn’t afford denying” any invitation.

Social Democrats to benefit of PES endorsement in the next elections

In his speech delivered in the opening of the Social Democrat Party (PSD) Extraordinary Congress, the president of the Party of European Socialists (PES) Sergei Stanishev, revealed PES endorsement to the Social Democrats, including in the next elections.

“There is a strong feeling of insecurity, volatility all over Europe. We, the European Social Democrats, must change this thing and must bring back a Europe of hope and of the future. In order to manage this thing the member parties must also be successful. We need parties to be united, ambitious and increasingly more open towards society. Our values are clear and what we must do is to protect them and put them into practice. It won’t be easy and I know that in Romania your opponents will do anything and are capable of anything to destabilize you, to attack you and to get back to power. (…) However, you are not alone in your struggle. The PES is by your side and we’ll also support you in the next elections. We are counting on you, because without you we won’t be strong enough to change Europe,” Stanishev stated.

At the same time, he appreciated that the PSD governance gave Romania “one of the most powerful economies of the EU.”

“With Prime Minister Victor Ponta you led the country to social justice and development. What you have done is truly impressive. You have managed to put the country finance in order and you have managed to avoid a negative economic and social scenario. You have thus built the environment for a powerful economy, one of the most powerful economies of the EU, having provided 400,000 new jobs. You have offered a new hope to all these people and to Romania, in general,” the PES leader said.

censure motionchairmanexecutive presidentextraordinary congressLiviu DragneamandateParty of European SocialistsPESphoenixpresidentprm victor pontaSergei StanishevSocial Democrat Partyvalidatesvice president
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