PSD eyes the delay of parliamentary elections for March 2021

While the Social Democrats are allegedly considering to submit a draft law to delay the parliamentary elections from December 2020 to March 2021, such a bill has been tabled on Friday by independent deputy Adrian Dohotaru (former USR member). As a matter of fact, sources from the Parliament revealed that the  law is actually designed and drafted by the Social Democratic Party (PSD), which believes that a postponement of the general elections would be in their favour.

Sources quoted by say that PSD believes that a potential delay of elections by three months would help them obtain a better score. More precisely, PSD counts on the fact that the incumbent Government’s decisions not to increase pensions and child allowances, as well as cautious economic measures that they will have to take, will have a negative impact on PNL in the spring and will favour PSD instead.

PSD chairman Marcel Ciolacu has posted on Facebook today that PSD “will beat PNL again at the parliamentary elections”.

Social Democrats have waited for the Constitutionaol Court’s decision on a referral related to a draft law that said the Parliament is the one that established the date of the parliamentary elections. The Liberal Cabinet has challenged the law to the Constitutional Court, with CCR rejecting the referral and awarding victory to the Parliament for setting the election date.

The law is currently on the President’s table right now, Iohannis being the only one now who can block the promulgation of the bill.

billCCRdelayElectionMarch 2021parliamentparliamentary electionspnlpostponementpsd
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