PSD chairman Marcel Ciolacu said on Thursday evening, at the end of the negotiations with PNL, that an agreement was reached for an invested government on Thursday, but it has not been established yet which party will give the first prime minister and who will take over the Ministry of Finance.
“We have agreed together that we will have an invested government by next Thursday. We want, however, to build a functioning government and a coalition so that everyone is happy as a government balance. There are two proposals for prime minister – one of PSD, one of PNL. We tried to draw up the two proposals and the structure of the government, taking into account someone, had, by rotation, the first prime minister,” said the PSD leader.
“We had discussions on the social package. We still have to find new income, because PNL insists on not raising any taxes. Probably, we will take money from royalties “, Ciolacu said.
After Thursday’s negotiations, PNL and PSD agreed on some measures for the future government to take, political sources told These include an increase in pensions by 10%, an increase in the minimum wage, but also in child allowances.
So, pensions would increase by 10% from January 1, as agreed by the representatives of the parties that attended the negotiations. Also, the minimum pension will increase from 800 lei at present to 1,000 lei, also from January 1. In addition, pensioners who have a pension of up to 1,600 lei will receive in January a one-time support of 1,200 lei, to compensate for increases in utility prices.
Those who have a pension of over 4,000 lei will pay health contributions of 10%.
Another agreed measure is to increase the minimum wage to 2,550 lei, from 2,300, as it is now. Child allowances will also increase: 600 lei (for children between 0-2 years), 243 lei (for children over 2 years).
PSD and PNL also agreed that a 13th disability allowance will be paid to disable, while PSD has given up the luxury tax.
Nicolae Ciucă, the PNL’s proposal for the post of prime minister, state he is optimistic about the future government and the governing program. “Important steps have been taken on the social package as well as on what it means that we agree to find solutions so as not to increase taxes,” Ciuca said, noting that a 7% percentage has been set for investments in the government program in next year’s budget.
Liberal chairman Florin Cîțu noted the “great success” of the negotiations because it is “a great victory for PNL to give the first prime minister, being a smaller party”.