PSD retorts with letter: Iohannis is blocking Romania to prevent the Gov’t from making motorways

The Social Democrat Party (PSD) has released a letter in retort to President Iohannis’ decision to further delay the appointment of the new ministers of Transports and Regional Development, condemning the alleged conflict prompted by the head of state.

PSD calls the president’s delay decision as “irresponsible”, accusing that Klaus Iohannis “is blocking Romania to prevent PSD-ALDE Government from making investments in motorways”, “out of grudge” and “personal obsession”.

The Social Democrats say that the head of state is creating scandals and “irresponsible” conflicts in the Centennial Year, also accusing him of “indecent and jerky conduct” against Viorica Dancila.

Lacking all political, legal or constitutional argument, Iohannis is driven by grudge and personal obsessions, bringing prejudices to the Romanian state that he should have represented (…) Iohannis has proven today an indecent and jerky conduct against PM Viorica Dancila, despite the message for political peace she had addressed him within the solemn plenary session of the Parliament on the occasion of the Centennial. Beyond positions, president Iohannis should have proved good manners and politeness to a lady. Under these circumstances, PSD will use all legal and constitutional means to unblock the situation created by Iohannis and to make him observer the laws and the Romanian Constitution”, the letter concludes.

blockinglettermotorwayspresident klaus iohannispsdretortRomaniascandals
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