Social-Democrat deputy chairman, Adrian Tutuianu, said on Monday, hours ahead of the Executive Committee, he would not resign as long as he is supported by the colleagues of the Dambovita County organization and by those who signed the letter addressed to the PSD leadership.
“I am not leaving anywhere, I won’t leave the party, as long as I have the support from the Dambovita organization and from the colleagues who signed the letter,” Tutuianu said.
The very day the PSD Executive Committee is to take place, to deal with internal issues and exclusions from the party, new recordings have surfaced, whereby Adrian Tutuianu expressed concern over Dragnea’s fate and about having another Government before January 1.
“The public perception is that the man (Liviu Dragnea – our note) has problems and everything you do about justice is to save him. This is the perception and the public opinion judges based on perceptions. One issue is of concern for me: what happens if they do to Dragnea what they did to Nastase? In Nastase’s case there were on thousand witnesses, in Dragnea’s court case they are holding hearings all over again, they can ‘make’ him anytime. We might hear next year in March that he is sentenced to one day. It’s a repeat and he has to stay in prison two years and one day. This is why we said to Dragnea it’s high time to make a step back, sideways (…) because we are the one to feel the impact. You can’t imagine the reaction of domestic press and the international press,” Adrian Tutuianu says in the audio recordings during a Dambovita County council sitting, reports.
Tutuianu also says that the Government might be replaced, but also by a PSD cabinet. “Except for those now at Cotroceni and with the intelligence services, who want Viorica Dancila out of the Prime Minister office on January 1. A second issue: why would PNL want to govern? Romania is in a tough situation,” he wondered.
The Supreme Court sentenced Liviu Dragnea to 3 years and 6 months of imprisonment in the employment of the General Directorate for Social Assistance and Child Protection (DGASPC) Teleorman, in which he is charged with instigating to abuse in service. The ruling was made by two of the three judges of the panel. The third voted for the acquittal. The ruling is not final.
Liviu Dragnea has challenged the sentence and the first court hearing of his appeal was set for October 8. This time, Dragnea’ s file will be judge by a five-judge panel.
On the other hand, PSD chairman Liviu Dragnea has sued the High Court of Cassation and Justice over the ruling on the judge panels. The file has been registered on October 5 to the judicial review section of the Court of Appeal. The second round of hearings took place on Monday, November 5.