Romania’s ambassador to the U.S. doesn’t rule out returning to politics

Romania’s ambassador to the U.S., George Maior, has told Digi24 that he isn’t currently considering any political option, but he has not ruled out a comeback though. The former head of the Romanian Intelligence Service (SRI) said he has always been a Social Democrat.

“I am not considering any political option right now, but this remains open. Anyway, my political orientation has always been Social Democrat and I will not change it, like others do”, Maior said when asked to what political party he would head if he gave up his diplomatic career.

Questioned about his alleged involvement in Pro Romania, former PM Victor Ponta’s party, Maior has denied these rumours: “I have never been involved. I haven’t talked to Mr. Ponta fro 4-5 months. On this occasion maybe he will find out I am in Romania“.

Asked if his mission to Washington is closing to an end, considering that an ambassador’s mandate usually lasts 4 years and in September there will be four years since he has been sent to the U.S., Maior replied he is not preparing to “end the mission in Washington”. “Not at all”, he stressed.

George Maior has been Romania’s ambassador to the United States since June 2015. He was director of SRI during 2006-2015. He has been recently amid a row on his recall after a report by the parliamentary committee monitoring the SRI activity showed that Maior “would use SRI for personal purposes” and that his actions “could be considered as political police” in order “to obtain an illegitimate political influence”.

President Iohannis, the one entitled to recall ambassadors from their missions abroad, has not yet taken any decision on Maior.

former directorgeorge maiorparliamentary committee monitoring the SRI activitypolitical policepoliticsreportreturningromania's ambassador to the U.S.romanian intelligence servicesocial democracysri
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