Ruling Social Democrat Party chairman Liviu Dragnea has said on Wednesday he has information that there will people who will try to infiltrate the PSD protest meeting on Saturday and to say after that they had been brought by force to attend the rally.
„You don’t scare us and we won’t give up. There will be more people coming to the protest meeting, more involved and more motivated. We have already found out that all sort of guys will try to infiltrate the meeting so that they could tell classic TV broadcasters that they had been paid, forced and threatened to come. I understand these guys are inflamed to post that they are forced to attend the meeting. No one is forced. But all those who saw abuses are able to come to the rally and to voice a free opinion,” Dragnea said.
Asked who is inflaming them, he just replied: „It is an website just created now. The Parallel State”.
Dragnea’s statements also come after the chair of the Liberal Party, in opposition, Ludovic Orban has said that he has information that employees of the state institutions and beneficiaries of social support „are recruited, are drafted” to come to the PSD meeting.
„How can you stage a meeting against the abuses when you use the abuse as a tool to bring people by force to the meeting? We get information countrywide about the abusive way that employees of the state institutions, city halls, state companies, public services within the county councils, beneficiaries of the social support aids are drafted to come to the meeting. This protest meeting will be eventually one against the PSD abuses,” Ludovic Orban posted on Facebook.