Senate passes the second draft amending the justice laws, the one on judicial organization. Law students stage silent protest in Bucharest

The Senate has passed on Wednesday the second draft amending one of the justice laws, law 304/2004, the one regarding the judicial organization, with the most important new provision saying that the department for the investigation of the crimes in the judiciary will be authorized to investigate any type of crimes committed by magistrates. Moreover, the special department will also be authorized to investigated the cases in which other persons than magistrates are involved.

The draft passed by 80 votes to 28.

The amendment reads: “The department for the investigation of the crimes in the judiciary system is set up and functions within the Prosecutor’s Office upon the High Court of Cassation and Justice and it has the exclusive authority to carry out criminal prosecution for the crimes committed by judges and prosecutors, including the military judges and prosecutors, and the members of the Superior Council of Magistracy (CSM).

According to another amendment, the new department will be led by a chief prosecutor, appointed by the CSM plenum, following a project-based contest.

The decision to revoke the department’s chief prosecutor will be also taken by CSM if it is established he or she is not carrying out his/her responsibilities. The appointment is for 3 years and the reinvesting is allowed only once.

Silent protest staged by law students in Bucharest

About 300 law students studying at the Law University in Bucharest have staged a silent protest in front of the university’s on Wednesday morning in an attempt to denounce the drafts amending the justice laws.

Following the previous recent protests staged by the magistrates in protest against the criminal legislation amendments, the law students also wanted to voice their opposition against them. The students also brought copies of the Romanian Constitution and tricolor flags.

We all know the initiatives in Parliament to amend <the justice laws> and the criminal codes. We think the irretrievable negative effects that great part of these amendments would have is indisputable. Various voices in the public space are waiting for the reaction of the law students, who would be directly affected by these measures more than any other social categories,” the Association of the Law Students says in a press release.


amendmentsanti-smoking lawBucharestcrimesdepartmentinvestigationjudgesjudicial organizationjustice lawslaw studentsmagistratesprosecutorssilent protest
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