Teleorman County Council President vows PSD candidate for Presidency will be… Liviu Dragnea

Danut Cristescu, Teleorman County Council President, claims, in an interview for, that Liviu Dragnea (photo) will be PSD’s candidate for presidential elections this autumn.

According to the source, Cristescu is one of the close people to Dragnea.

Asked about European and presidential elections, Cristescu believes the social-democrats will win both races. “In the European elections I believe we will win 50 percent of the MEPs and in Teleorman we will get 60 percent of votes. I believe we will be able to convince more than half of voters to come to the ballot, even about 60 percent,” he said.

Cristescu says the strength lies with the PSD’s power of mobilization and the electorate’s discernment.

Asked who will run on behalf of PSD for the seat of head of state, PSD Secretary General Codrin Stefanescu said Thursday evening, for Antena 3 TV private broadcaster, that Danut Cristescu wants Liviu Dragnea to run for presidency. “It is a must to win presidential elections,” Stefanescu said.



Codrin Stefanescudanut cristescueuropean electionsLiviu Dragneapresidential electionspsd
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