The head of the Permanent Electoral Authority, accused of hiring his sister-in-law as adviser

The National Integrity Agency filed a complaint with the General Prosecutor’s Office against the head of the Permanent Electoral Authority, Constantin-Florin Mitulețu Buică, whom he accuses of having hired his sister-in-law as a counselor within the institution. Mitulețu Buică admitted that he approved the employment of his sister-in-law, but says that he complied with the law.

The National Integrity Agency (ANI) notified the Prosecutor’s Office attached to the High Court of Cassation and Justice regarding the existence of indications regarding the commission by Constantin-Florin Mitulețu Buică of the crime of using the position to favor certain persons provided for by art. 301 of the Criminal Code, it is stated in a press release issued by ANI on Monday.

According to ANI, in exercising his duties as president of the Permanent Electoral Authority, Mitulețu Buică “issued, approved and signed a number of 9 material documents through which a patrimonial benefit was obtained for his sister-in-law, who was assigned to the Cabinet of the Vice-President of the Permanent Electoral Authority on the position of adviser”.

Article 301 of the Criminal Code refers to the conflict of interest and provides penalties of up to five years in prison.

In retort, the head of the AEP claimed that it was a “suspicion” for which there would be “no basis”. “I will submit a challenge to the ANI report in court and I will bring conclusions against it,” Mitulețu-Buică said.

When asked how his sister-in-law (his wife’s sister) was hired at AEP, Mitulețu-Buică replied that her employment was “at the proposal of the dignitary”, that is, of the AEO vice-president in whose cabinet he is an advisor: “One of the vice-presidents proposed it, not me, because he doesn’t work at my office.”

adviserANIcomplaintConstantin-Florin Mitule?u Buic?counselorhirednational integrity agencypermanent electoral authoritysister in law
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