Transport Minister Lucian Sova resigns. Irregularities found at Metrorex and CFR

Transport Minister, Lucian Sova, has resigned on Thursday, vacating the position for which the ruling coalition has nominated PSD Deputy, Mircea Draghici.

Lucian Sova submitted the resignation at Victoria Palace early in the morning, before the joint Romania-R. of Moldova government sitting.

The social-democrats requested his resignation at the Executive Committee, along with the one of Development Minister and Vice-Premier Paul Stanescu, informs.

On Wednesday, Lucian Sova said he would not resign unless the party asks him to, because he sees no professional reasons to do so, reports.

Shortly after announcing his resignation, Minister Sova has sent to the press two releases announcing irregularities at Metrorex (Bucharest subway) and CFR (Romanian Railways).

The releases read that the Transport Minister’s Control Body has conducted checks at Metrorex in issues related to meeting the legal provisions in carrying out the design-construction contract of subway line 5 Drumul Taberei-Pantelimon. The checks were conducted during August 22-31, 2018 and found deficiencies in implementing the project, which have led to delays and additional costs for Metrorex.

On the other hand, the Control Body found, following checks, that CFR Marfa SA has allegedly lost RON 19 million profit following an auction for coal transport.


CFRcontrol bodyLucian SovaMetrorexMircea Draghicipaul stanescupsdrailwaysresignationsubwaytransport minister
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