Update: Martin Schulz, message for PSD leader Liviu Dragnea: Corruption should be cut from the roots. Dragnea: I can hardly abstain to give him a reply

“I did not have the pleasure and the honour to talk to Mr. Schulz. I can hardly abstain to give him a reply. I’ve been advised to abstain until after the elections in Germany,” Liviu Dragnea said on Tuesday when a journalist asked him to comment on the statement made by Martin Schulz.

Dragnea’s reply comes after the statements made by the SPD leader.

A Romanian in Germany has approached Martin Schulz, the SPD candidate running against Angela Merkel in the coming elections, and has asked him about his support for PSD Chairman Liviu Dragnea: “Early this year Romania witnessed the largest protests since the Revolution. Mr. Liviu Dragnea wanted to amend laws which would have reduced the sentences for those sentenced for corruption. What is your message for Romanians in Germany and in Europe about the attempts to amend the laws and what is your position in relation with Liviu Dragnea as politician?” tvr.ro informs.

Martin Schulz answered: “I will answer in three issues, which I have sent also to Mr. Dragnea personally. These laws are absolutely wrong. If I were over there, I would have protested. The corruption should be cut from the roots. If in my party there is corruption, I will personally solve the problem. By the way, I dismissed a Vice-president from my faction, Adrian Severin (2011), exactly for this issue.”

adrian severincorruptionlawsLiviu DragneaMartin Schulzprotestspsdsocial-democratsspd
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