The mayors of municipalities have had talks with Prime Minister Viorica Dancila and Finance Minister Eugen Teodorovici, Wednesday afternoon at Victoria Palace. According to reports, no the mayors have received no answer to their request regarding the budgetary allocations.
“We have discussed and it was agreed that they would analyse the issues today and give us an answer. We hope not to lose money. We are the most underfinanced European capital city,” District 3 mayor Robert Negoita said after the talks.
Bucharest mayor Gabriela Firea said the capital city needs money this year. “We lose EUR 80 million this year, when we have to take over ELCEN, to start the works for the Metropolitan Hospital, we have to pay for the new buses. Mrs Dancila listened us all, now we wait for a reaction,” Firea said, according to
She added that the mayors ask for what is needed for the local authorities. She claimed it is intended to cut the Bucharest budget by EUR 70-80 million.
The mayors of municipalities, united in the Municipalities Association in Romania, had talks with the Government representatives on Tuesday about the budget allocations in 2019. Following two hours of discussions, Finance Minister Eugen Teodorovici said two proposals were submitted, without elaborating, and that on Wednesday at noon the final version will be presented, reported. Teodorovici was accompanied for talks by Darius Valcov, adviser to PM Viorica Dancila on economic issues.
The mayors say it is out of order to fight with the Government for the money made by the citizens in their towns to remain for the local communities.
Gheoghe Falca, mayor of Arad, said that on Wednesday, at 12.00h, they would protest in front of the Government if no proper answer is received by then. Later on a meeting with the prime Minister was agreed for Wednesday.
The mayors have criticized the Government’s position, saying that they request one third of the state budget, adding it is out of order to fight against the Government so that o part of the money made by the citizens in their towns to remain with the local communities.
“The citizens pay the income taxes. We struggle now that a part of this money remains to local communities,” Gheorghe Falca said. He added that they’ve agreed that on Wednesday at 12.00h the mayors will gather at the Municipalities Association, altogether with other mayors and, if their point of view is not approved, they would protest on behalf of the citizens in front of the Executive’s offices.