Update – President Iohannis: Tax Code, amended more times than the days of last year by PSD Gov’t. Wrong decisions leave scars

President Klaus Iohannis has criticized on Wednesday, again, the PSD governance, saying that the measures announced in the governing programme have remained simple promises. He added that the governance amended the Tax Code more times than the days of last year.

“More than ever, Romania needs to return to realism and grounded dialogue, to balance and responsibility in terms of making decisions. In business, as in politics, promises should be followed by results. I’ve seen the famous PSD governing programme, with hundreds of km of highways on paper, other investments, but the fact is they are still promises,” President Iohannis said during the plenary sitting of the Coalition for Romania’s Development.

The head of state stressed that “in the governing programme there is no mention on the hundreds of amendments to the fiscal legislation, which have affected the economy and turned the business plans upside down. The Tax Code was amended more times than the days of last year, it is a rare performance and I believe you had more work to do to stay updated.”

For example, 2018 began with significant changes for both SMEs and the population. The first three months meant for the business environment 120 amendments to the Tax Code – all this leads to instability, the small entrepreneurs accused.

‘Wrong economic decisions leave deep scars for many years’

President Iohannis said that one cannot govern against economic logic and against good sense. “Anyway, one cannot govern against those governed,” he added, stressing that “wrong decisions and false priorities leave deep scars for many years.”

The head of state also said that businesses can’t register sustainable growth, if not based on investments that bring development.

“The business environment has been confused by hazardous and unexpected decisions, by decisional accident such as GEO 114, which reveals the deplorable governance,” Iohannis said.

The President also referred to issues related to the economy’s development, underscoring that “the trade and current account deficits place Romania in the opposite direction of the European development, given that the countries in the region register surpluses.”

“I urge the Government to make swift decisions” to solve the problems signaled by the mayors and to improve the collection of budgetary revenues, the President said.

amendmentsgeo 114governing programmepresident klaus iohannisPSD governanceTax Codewrong decisions
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